Employment Law Advice

Employment law is complex and subject to ever changing regulations. It also has strict time limits in respect of any claim you may have.


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    employment-law-adviceWe advise on all types of employment issues including:

    • Settlement Agreements
    • Service contracts – advice and drafting
    • Redundancy
    • Unfair dismissal
    • Discrimination
    • Restrictive covenants and post termination clauses
    • Health and safety – personal injury

    Employment law is complex to and subject to ever changing regulations. It also has strict time limits in respect of any claim you may have.

    We look at cost effective solutions for you drawing matters to an early conclusion if possible. Sometimes we are able to negotiate the employers to pay our fees.

    If you would like to know more, please call

    Jennifer White020 8313 1300 020 8313 1300

    Or email jennifer.white@marsons.co.uk

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