Employment Law Service


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    employment-law-adviceWe advise on all types of business from large to small on employment policies and procedures and disputes.
    Our services include:

    • Employment Tribunal – helping you fight a claim
    • Redundancy programmes and reorganisation
    • Application of disciplinary procedures and potential dismissals
    • Changing terms and conditions of employment
    • Negotiating termination packages and compromise agreements
    • Drafting contracts of employment and consultancy agreements
    • Drafting policies and procedures for Staff Handbooks
    • Drafting and advising on and enforcing post termination covenants and restrictions, including injunction proceedings.

    Employment law is complex and Tribunal claims can be costly and time consuming for management. We bring our many years experience and, if involved at an early stage, we can mean the difference between winning and losing the case. We bring a practical and cost effective solution to employment relations and disputes.

    We can also provide in house training and guidance for your managers and teams to give them a greater understanding as to dealing with difficult employment issues, with the aim of avoidance of disputes and claims.

    To find out more, please call

    Jennifer White
    on 020 8313 1300 020 8313 1300

    Or mail jennifer.white@marsons.co.uk

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