Seminars and Training

We offer free seminars and training on topical issues for the business and social housing communities.


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    We offer free seminars and training on topical issues for the business and social housing communities.

    Our lawyers are often asked by professionals bodies to speak at forums and seminars and to provide training to the legal profession. We have participated in such diverse events as the Tenancy Fraud Forum, Chartered Institute of Housing seminars, Resolve Anti-Social Behaviour conferences, MBL seminars and to the Law Society on Diversity.

    We also provide bespoke training programmes for clients who have identified specific training needs for their staff. These are particularly popular with our social housing clients.

    We have had enthusiastic feedback on our seminars and training – please see here.

    If you require information regarding seminars and training for social housing teams, please contact Bernadette Reid

    For information on seminars and training for business or general enquiries, please contact Jennifer White

    “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Marsons for the professional and caring way that you dealt with the Estate of my late mother.

    I would like you to pass on my gratitude to James Bedwell and Herman Cheung who have been a credit to your company.”

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